
Find The Best Dentist of Henderson City

Dentist of Henderson NV is a cosmetic, general, and pediatric dental practice offering advanced sedation methods to make your child’s experience at the dentist as positive and relaxing as possible. Our team has extensive training in CEREC one-visit restorations and lingual frenectomies to treat a tongue tie that affects speech.

General Dentistry

General dentists are the primary providers of dental care to patients of all ages. Their expertise extends to a broad range of procedures, including those that are both complex and simple.

Preventative maintenance and education

General dentistry includes services aimed at preventing dental problems before they occur. These include routine oral exams and dental cleanings, which can reduce the risk of gum disease or tooth decay by removing plaque and tartar deposits from teeth and along the gum line.

Restorative treatments

Restorative dentistry refers to treatment aimed at restoring broken, damaged or decayed teeth. This can include fillings and dental bonds, which use a type of resin to stick material onto a tooth. The procedure also encompasses indirect restorations like inlays and veneers.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of your teeth, gums and bite. This includes procedures such as teeth whitening, bonding and veneers.

A cosmetic Dentist of Henderson NV can provide you with a number of treatments that are designed to give you the smile of your dreams. But it is important to remember that your health and well-being are more important than the beauty of your smile.

In addition to whitening and other treatments that enhance the brightness of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of options for fixing irregularities in your bite, shape and size of your teeth, and even the color of your gums. Unlike restorative dentistry treatments, most cosmetic dentistry procedures are elective rather than essential, although some cases do have a positive effect on overall oral health. Dental implants, for example, can improve the look and feel of your smile while preventing bone loss in the jaw.

Sedation Dentistry

If you feel anxiety when thinking of visiting your dentist, sedation dentistry may help. Sedation dentistry uses medication to make you calm and relaxed during dental procedures. It helps alleviate fears and allows you to cooperate for longer periods, which may allow us to complete more treatment in one appointment.

There are varying levels of sedation used in dentistry, ranging from minimal to moderate and up to general anesthesia. Minimal sedation involves taking an anti-anxiety pill such as Halcion, which is in the same family of drugs as Valium. This type of sedation makes you drowsy but still awake. Moderate oral sedation produces similar effects. Some patients fall asleep under this type of sedation, but they can be easily woken up with a gentle shake.

Nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, is another form of sedation that we use. It is administered through a small mask placed over your nose and is safe for children and adults. It is quick to wear off and leaves no lingering drowsiness after your appointment.

Dental Implants

Implants are a permanent tooth replacement that look, feel and function like natural teeth. They help preserve the bone in the jaw and prevent bone loss that occurs with missing teeth. They also eliminate the need for removable dentures, resulting in improved speech and chewing efficiency.

During the dental implant procedure, a titanium screw is placed in your jawbone. This implant is then covered with a custom-made crown. The crown is designed to match the shape and color of your existing teeth. Once the abutment is attached and the restoration is complete, you can enjoy your fully restored smile!

Patients of all ages who are missing one or more teeth may be candidates for dental implants. We will evaluate your dental and medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. In some cases, a bone graft may need to be performed before you are able to receive an implant. This is a simple procedure that is usually performed under local anesthesia.